For now it is a law that is not fulfilled, a pact that is not known if it will come. But when it does, it promises to be the most controversial point and the most difficult to fulfill. All the agents are so accustomed to inaccuracies that principles are going to be costly. But let’s be honest. Nowadays, who goes to the hairdresser without time? The times change.
But waiting is a very vague term, it is difficult to establish when the counter starts and above all who makes whom wait.
For this, organizations have to take a step back and order their docks. That thing about you’ll arrive and I’ll charge you won’t work in the future or work now. The implementation of time windows has a large number of advantages and among them, although it is not the best, is the clear definition of who makes people wait and since when they wait. Let’s take a basic example:
- It makes available to a carrier the availability of a load from 11:00 in the morning until 15:30 in the afternoon. He does it because he won’t have the watermelons until 11:00 and at 15:30 the melons arrive and all the watermelons have had to leave by then.
- And he gives these options for charging: 11:00-11:30, 11:30-12:00, 12:00-13:00 and 15:00-15:30. He has defined them based on the number of forklift drivers he has, the equipment he has, etc. Obviously here we are going to skip that not all loads can go to all windows or all docks, incompatibilities, etc. We skipped it in the example, the platform takes everything into account.

- Analyze his previous commitments, his subsequent commitments and determine that he will load from 12:00-13:00. This allows you to arrive from your previous load and does not put at risk either the disk or the commitment to deliver the merchandise.
Let’s analyze what the agents have achieved.
The charger has defined a working capacity and has made available to everyone a clear mechanism of charging times, rules, etc. Stop “wasting time” adjusting the loading hours of your carriers, since it is the system with all the restrictions that we want to give you that allows and validates the slot reservation.
The carrier is not subject to a schedule that he will not meet, he is given degrees of freedom so that he understands that he will not be made to wait but that he will not be attended to before.
And now comes the best, the metrics.

When the truck arrives before the stipulated time, that is lead time. We might think that’s a good thing, but arriving 3 hours early is not. It is a waste of time and the carrier has the option to work and improve this aspect since it directly influences productivity.
We also know in this case that the upload commitment ends at 13:00. If at 13:00 the truck is not loaded, this delay time is directly attributable to the shipper.
But we must also be clear that if at 12:00 the truck was not registered, the delay is the fault of the carrier and the delay is his responsibility.
We also know the theoretical duration of the loading slot and the actual loading time, so we can determine if our logistics operator in the warehouse is complying. We can even assess the time between the call to the dock and the correct position of the truck to start operations.
You will think, this is very strict, but it is that a window system is used for this. So as not to waste time in the hairdresser’s or in the parking lot of a platform. So that each party becomes responsible for its part and so that when it does not do so, it assumes that cost.
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